We offer music lessons and unique programs in piano lessons, guitar lessons, voice lessons and vocal training, bass lessons, drum lessons, violin lessons, flute lessons, saxophone lessons, trombone lessons and jazz classes. Students learn at their own pace in a nurturing fun atmosphere. Lesson plans are designed to build the strength of each student. Parents participate in their child’s learning by attending the lessons (optional or as and when advised by teacher). This participation enables them to accomplish their role as a practice monitor and mentor at home. Students will respond much more effectively if the parents are involved in the lesson. This allows parents to effectively help the students if they are having problems as well as monitor progress during the week.
Stage 1
Lessons include an artistically conceived flow of songs, nursery rhymes, instrumental jam sessions, fingerplays, and movement activities. The combination and types of activities are research-based and support children’s developing competence in tonality and rhythm. In addition, activities evolve from the child’s world and include vocal play, animal sounds, rhythm play, language play, and a good bit of genuine, silly fun. Classes are taught by a qualified Music Together teacher who is trained in music development and skilled in leading participatory music activity. Children “bring the music home” to their parents through the workbook and instruments.
Stage 2
The most traditional and effective way to study a musical instrument is through tailored lessons. These lessons give students the opportunity to enjoy one-on-one instruction with the flexibility of individualized scheduling. Students will have the opportunity to perform with other students on recitals. The violin, guitar, piano, voice, fife, and the drums and the are excellent instruments to begin as young as age four. Scientific research has shown that musical training for children increases scholastic achievement and improves overall behavior and attitude. Private instrumental study also introduces children to developing disciplined routine practice habits and time management. These habits will benefit them in their academic studies at school.
Performance Lessons
The program begins with private lessons that meet once a month. Students will have opportunities to play for and with other students and in recitals as they progress in their learning. Your child will also have the opportunity to participate once a week with other instrumentalists in our Musician Performance Series program. This program will give students opportunities to learn musicianship skills in a small group environment with other students. This will give them a monthly outlet for learning and will be a powerful tool to help motivate students to practice.
Music is a confidence builder and promotes self-discipline.
Develops a sense of movement, rhythm &
appreciation of music.
It helps to improve poor posture and also to
strengthen muscular structure.
Music helps to co-ordinate mind and body.
Music addresses integrative studies.
March, July, Nov examinations will be arranged accordingly. * Please contact us for more information and schedule.